Rights & reproductions

All rights and copyright to the usage of the reproductions belong to Mrs. Barbara Hirschbäck.

We are currently compiling a complete archive of Richard Hirschbäck ‘s work. If you have any additional information, a catalogue or own a work by Richard Hirschbäck, we would be obliged if you could send us details together with a picture (if possible) which will be included in the archive.

To receive permission for using an image, text excerpt or catalogue entry for your research or work, please write an email to info@richardhirschbaeck.com with a detailed description of your project.

The following images: Untitled, 2002, Oil on canvas, 43 x 43 cm and Richard Hirschbaeck Portrait have been licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.

Image on home page:
Richard Hirschbäck (1977)
Ink on paper
60 x 80 cm
Photo: Isidora Krstic

Archival Work, Website Concept and Graphic Design: Isidora Krstić